we'll be having a class gathering on friday
which coincidently falls on
wesley's someone's brithday.
anyway. where do you all suggest?
me and jovan are really running out of ideas.
i want outdoor activities but he wants indoors ones.
so we welcome both suggestions.
although i prefer an outdoor onewatever. please put in the tagboard there what you want.
some suggestions:
escape theme park
a movie?east coast park? i dunno do what there?
wild wild wet
go someone's house have a party?
ok. i think that's all. please give suggestions.
and ask
MORE sixoners to come to our blog.
please. my sms bao zha ler. so sorry.
please sms them.
if you need anyone's number and you think i have it. you can sms me at 96831958.
thankyous. (: